He is a cuddle bunny and house trained. This gorgeous pearl white boy with seal points on his ears, nose and feet is a stunning bunny to look at as well as a real pet.
We are looking for an indoor home for Louis where he will be a part of the family with his own bunny playpen.
Our bunnies are desexed, vaccinated, microchipped. They come vet checked and are 100% returnable if they can not be kept at any time.
She is a friendly easy going and gentle bunny. She is best friends with three bunnies especially Burgess Boy. Both bunnies are house trained to use a litter tray.
Maureen is also very friendly and gentle. Her soft flowing coat stays lovely with a daily comb. .
Both bunnies along with two others were rescued after being left behind at a house when their old owner was put into an aged care facility. It's obvious they were much loved as they are very people focussed and just lovely bunnies.
Burgess Boy bunny is a laid back Siamese Sable boy.
He is a friendly easy going and gentle bunny. He is best friends with three bunnies especially Maureen. Both bunnies are house trained to use a litter tray.
Maureen is also very friendly and gentle. She is a black and white Cashmere Lop bunny.
Both bunnies along with two others were rescued after being left behind at a house when their old owner was put into an aged care facility. It's obvious they were much loved as they are very people focussed and just lovely bunnies.
Frankie Girl bunny is a laid back English Spot girl.
She is a friendly easy going and gentle bunny. She is best friends with three bunnies especially Ferguson. Both bunnies are house trained to use a litter tray.
Ferguson is also very friendly and gentle. He is a Siamese Sable bunny.
Both bunnies along with two others were rescued after being left behind at a house when their old owner was put into an aged care facility. It's obvious they were much loved as they are very people focussed and just lovely bunnies.