Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rabbit Stress

Stress in Rabbits can be quite dangerous to their health. Here is a chart to show some signs of stress in your pet rabbit and what to do to calm them.
Signs of rabbit stress
What to do
Biting or scratching
Adjust handling method
Running away
Train to come for treat
Not eating
Try fresh herbs, fresh grass, lucerne hay, Oxbow Critical Care
Not drinking
Provide water bowl instead of bottle, offer wet kale or grass
Leave to hide in a box or hutch, surround pen with a sheet
Urinating outside tray
Larger tray, change litter type, remove fabrics from pen
Hair pulling
Possibly starting labour, provide nest box, health check at vet
Excessive scratching
Vet check for fur mites, check skin, apply Revolution, vet check

Monday, July 22, 2019

Calicivirus RHDV2 vaccine development

Summary of RHDV2 vaccine development – December 2018 Extract from Centre for Invasive Species Solutions

Along with three strains of RHDV1, an exotic RHD virus called RHDV2 is also circulating in Australian rabbit populations, after being first detected in wild rabbits in May 2015.

We now know this virus has spread throughout most of Australia and is currently the dominant
circulating RHD virus strain at a national scale.

In collaboration with its Members and Partners, the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions has begun
two projects to further assess the biological properties and distribution of RHDV2 in the Australian
landscape and its potential as a future additional registered product.

Along with this work, the Centre has also provided some funding that contributes to the development
of a vaccine specific for RHDV2, being led by NSW DPI.

There has been excellent progress to date, and documentation is being prepared for submission to
APVMA for a pilot "standalone" RHDV2 vaccine.

Once submitted, the proposal will be assessed by the APVMA. Once all regulatory requirements are
met, the commercial vaccine manufacturer will be able to commence production of a pilot batch.
As it is unknown how long these processes will take, it is currently not possible to provide an estimate of when this vaccine will be available to the public.

Research to develop a multi-valent vaccine that would provide protection against both RHDV1 and
RHDV2 strains, is ongoing.

It is still recommended by veterinarians that all pet rabbits are vaccinated with Cylap® to protect
against RHDV.

While this vaccine is not fully effective against RHDV2, it will protect rabbits from any circulating
RHDV1 K5 strain released in the vicinity for rabbit control, as well as any other naturally circulating
RHDV1 strains.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Around The Rabbit Sanctuary

There has been a lot happening at The Rabbit Sanctuary with visiting volunteers dropping in and lending a hand. Here are some photos for you to enjoy...

Monica with Bun
Monica Lorkin flew up from Victoria to stay a week and worked very enthusiastically and very hard on quite a few projects. She donated lots of great things for the bunnies such as dustpans, brooms, toys and tunnels and more.

Painting fences at The Rabbit Rescue SanctuaryPaul and Marshall Mann drove down from Tweed Heads and painted fences, pressure cleaned the Bunny Barn exterior and cement areas as well as doing many other helpful jobs for the rescue rabbits benefit.

Heather comes each week from our local disability service with one of her carers and hand feeds the bunnies and other animals.

Andrew comes each week to maintain and develop gardens and grow herbs for the rescue rabbits.

Fred the ‘Bunny Santa’ makes bunny castles and accessories for the rescue rabbits each day in his workshop at The Rabbit Sanctuary.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Last chance to donate before EOFY for your tax deduction

Please consider a donation large or small to help us continue rescuing rabbits in the upcoming financial year. Donate via bank, Paypal, or Credit Card on our site at www.rabbitsanctuary.com.au

Save on tax and save rabbits! End of financial year donations

The Rabbit Sanctuary needs your help to be able to rescue rabbits. Please DONATE!

Tax time is near so we are asking for donations. Our vet bills are high as are our feed bills. 
Our charity is Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Ltd. 
It is DGR registered so you can get a tax deduction for amounts over $2.

Please help us to help the bunnies. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Burgess Australia Donation

Burgess Australia has made a generous donation of their rabbit pellets "Excel Nuggest with Mind" which the rescue rabbits LOVE! See our facebook post showing a photo of rescue rabbit Petal trying to sit on her bunny castle amongst the many bags of Burgess Rabbit Pellets! Thank you to Burgess Australia for their generosity and support of our rabbit rescue.

Burgess Rabbit Pellets
Burgess Rabbit Pellets Ingredients

Myxomatosis rabbit immunity

There has been a study on rabbit immunity to the rabbit virus, Myxomatosis with results published in "Science".  The Natural History Museum in the UK has published an article about the way rabbit genes have evolved since the time of Charles Darwin who studied this in his own rabbit. 

'Often evolution works through big changes in single genes,' explains Joel, 'but our findings show that resistance to myxomatosis likely evolved through lots of small effects spread across the genome.'
Crucially, these all occurred in the same genes relating to immunity.
Hopefully, for our pet rabbits in Australia, the genes will continue to evolve until there is complete immunity to the dreaded, incurable rabbit Myxomatosis virus. 

Symptoms of Myxomatosis are:  reddening of both eyes, a pinkness and swelling of nose, ears and anus. The rabbit's ears will be hot. Gradually lesions appear. Finally the eyes will swell shut, the swelling in the rabbit's mouth will stop eating and drinking. 

If a rabbit is found with Myxomatosis, it should be taken to a vet for humane euthanasia as there is no treatment and no cure. 

Should a Rabbit be Caged?

Show a rabbit in a small cage over and over again and that is what becomes normal.

There is nothing more natural about a rabbit in a cage, than a woman in a kitchen. 

Pet shops continue to show rabbits in cages. They sell small cages that they call "Rabbit Cages" which are cruel homes for pet rabbits because of their small size and the bunnies can't hop around freely and in some cages they can't even stand up. 

People think that caging a rabbit is ok because that is the way the pet shops market them, as caged rabbits rather than as needing space to hop around in an enriched playpen or room in the house. 

Rabbits in a cageA woman in a kitchen