Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rabbit Stress

Stress in Rabbits can be quite dangerous to their health. Here is a chart to show some signs of stress in your pet rabbit and what to do to calm them.
Signs of rabbit stress
What to do
Biting or scratching
Adjust handling method
Running away
Train to come for treat
Not eating
Try fresh herbs, fresh grass, lucerne hay, Oxbow Critical Care
Not drinking
Provide water bowl instead of bottle, offer wet kale or grass
Leave to hide in a box or hutch, surround pen with a sheet
Urinating outside tray
Larger tray, change litter type, remove fabrics from pen
Hair pulling
Possibly starting labour, provide nest box, health check at vet
Excessive scratching
Vet check for fur mites, check skin, apply Revolution, vet check